Anyone can learn Reiki. The positive, healthy traits Reiki is capable of developing within us includes patience, love of self and others and increases our love for the entire world. Reiki can heal us and those who come to us for Reiki sessions. 

 A new energy has appeared. It is called Holy Fire. This system of teaching has evolved over time and the healing  energy is more refined and contains a higher level of consciousness. I will share this special energy with you.

To give someone Reiki honors their being & is an act of love and trust.
— Unknown

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Reiki II - Usui - Holy Fire II - Reiki

During this one day class, you will:

  • Receive Reiki II sacred symbols and how to use them to send Reiki distance healing.
  • Learn how to do a complete treatment using the 3 sacred symbols.
  • How to use Reiki to heal unwanted habits.
  • Receive Reiki II Certification.

Reiki I - Usui - Holy Fire II - Reiki

During this one day class, you will:

  • Learn the  history of Reiki and the latest advancements in this healing modality.
  • Learn placements, self-healing treatment and how to treat others, self scanning.
  • Learn the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice Overview.
  • Receive Reiki I Certification.

ART - Advanced Reiki Training

During this one day class, you will::

  • Learn to make a Reiki card using crystals and stones to send Reiki to yourself and others.
  • Learn moving meditation.
  • Learn how to give placements.
  • Receive your ART Certification.

Master Class - Usui Holy Fire II

During this two  day class, you will:

  • Learn about the evolution of Reiki and how it developed from Usui Reiki into Holy Fire Reiki
  • Learn the Holy Fire Symbol
  • Learn how ignitions work
  • Receive Usui Holy Fire Master Certification.